Director of Studies: Dr Theresa Biberauer

Course Overview

Linguistics is the systematic study of human language. Linguists explore how we communicate using language and how languages are structured.

The one-year Part I provides a general introduction to all areas of linguistics, while the two-year Part II allows a degree of specialisation in particular areas.

In both IIA and IIB there is a choice of lectures taught within and beyond the Department, the latter including the linguistics of particular languages. Part IIB includes an element of individual research in the form of a dissertation on a chosen topic.

Students may also switch to Part II of the Linguistics Tripos after successful completion of a Part I in another Tripos. The Linguistics Tripos does not require detailed knowledge of a particular language, and so the course is accessible to those who have a general interest in and knowledge of language.

There is further information about the course on the University and Faculty webpages.

Entry Requirements

Applications from mature students taking A levels or Access courses are welcome. There are no specific subject entry requirements for the course although for a strong application we’d recommend A Level or equivalent in an essay-based subject. You will be asked to submit a piece of written work as part of your application. Entry requirements can be found here.

Admissions Assessment
All applicants for the Linguistics Tripos at St Edmund’s will be required to take an admissions test.  Further information about this will be provided. You will be registered for the assessment by us if you are invited to interview; candidates do not need to register themselves.
Please note that your performance in the assessment at interview will not be considered in isolation, but will be taken into account alongside the other elements of your application.