Course Overview
Linguistics is the systematic study of human language. Linguists explore how we communicate using language and how languages are structured.
The one-year Part I provides a general introduction to all areas of linguistics, while the two-year Part II allows a degree of specialisation in particular areas.
In both IIA and IIB there is a choice of lectures taught within and beyond the Department, the latter including the linguistics of particular languages. Part IIB includes an element of individual research in the form of a dissertation on a chosen topic.
Students may also switch to Part II of the Linguistics Tripos after successful completion of a Part I in another Tripos. The Linguistics Tripos does not require detailed knowledge of a particular language, and so the course is accessible to those who have a general interest in and knowledge of language.
There is further information about the course on the University and Faculty webpages.
Entry Requirements
Applications from mature students taking A levels or Access courses are welcome. There are no specific subject entry requirements for the course although for a strong application we’d recommend A Level or equivalent in an essay-based subject. You will be asked to submit a piece of written work as part of your application. Entry requirements can be found here.