Directors of Studies: Dr Michael Tuck
Course Overview
The BA (Hons) in Architecture at the University of Cambridge is a validated ARB/RIBA Part 1 course, which is the first stage in qualifying as an architect. The course takes three years. Studio work accounts for 60% of the overall marks each year, while the remaining 40% is gained from essays, examinations and coursework.
There is further information about the course on the University and Faculty webpages.
Entry Requirements
There are no specific subject requirements requested by the College. Mathematics is highly desirable for this course. Other useful subjects include, A Level Physics or Art. We may modify offers to take account of individual circumstances. Entry requirements can be found here.
Please note that we would ask you to present a portfolio of recent work at interview. We will want to see something that illustrates your interests, experience and ability in the visual and material arts. Normally drawing and painting forms the basis of the portfolio but a small amount of work in other media such as sculpture and photography may also be included. It’s usually preferred that three-dimensional work be exhibited in photographs.
A sketchbook with ongoing drawings is extremely helpful and applicants are encouraged to take one to the interview. It may be in any media (pencil, charcoal, crayon etc) and should include a variety of subject matter. The work can be material prepared for formal qualifications, but creative work executed outside formal courses is also welcome.
Admissions Assessment
All applicants will be asked to sit a written and practical assessment in advance of interview. Information about the pre-interview tests for Architecture, specimen papers and a specification can be found on the University Architecture webpage under ‘Entry Requirements’. You will be registered for the assessment by us if you are invited to interview; candidates do not need to register themselves.