Director of Studies: Dr Corinne Roughley
Course Overview
The degree encompasses multiple tracks: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Assyriology and Egyptology. You can specialise in your chosen track already in Year 1, or combine them in Year 1 and specialise from Year 2.
There is further information about the course on the University and Division webpages.
Entry Requirements
There are no specific subject requirements requested by the College. Entry requirements can be found here.
Please note that we would ask you to submit two pieces of recent written work (preferably marked) of up to 1500 words with your application. These should be in an essay format. Please contact the Admissions Office for a cover sheet.
Admissions Assessment
All applicants will be asked to sit an assessment in advance of interview. Information about the pre-interview tests for Archaeology, specimen papers and a specification can be found on the University Archaeology webpage under ‘Entry Requirements’. You will be registered for the assessment by us if you are invited to interview; candidates do not need to register themselves.