
Director of Studies: Dr David Friedman

Course Overview

Classics allows you to study the languages and cultures of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. It brings together the study of language, linguistics, literature, history, philosophy, art and archaeology.  There are two ways in which you might study the Classics Tripos – via the three-year route (for those with A Level Latin or equivalent), or via the four-year route (for those with little or no Latin).Subjects are supervised by arrangement with lecturers in other Colleges and the Faculty of Classics. Teaching consists of lectures, language classes (as needed) and at least two supervisions per week.Three Year Route:  Part IA (the first year) provides a thorough grounding in the language and literature of the Greek and Roman worlds. In addition, students take two options chosen from Philosophy, History, Art and Archaeology and Philology and Linguistics. Part IB (the second year) offers students greater choice of literary texts to study, and the chance to study their chosen options in greater depth. For Part II (the third year) it is possible to specialise in just one area, or to select a range of papers from the forty or so available in any one year. It is also possible to offer a thesis.Four Year Route:  Students with neither Latin nor Greek at A-level (or equivalent) take the four-year course. The first year (“Prelim”) is an intensive introduction to the Latin language. In the second year students take up Greek, and take Part IA, as described above. They then take Part IB in the third year, and Part II in the fourth. There is further information about the course on the University and Faculty webpages.

Entry Requirements

St Edmund’s would expect all applicants for the three year course to have at least an A Level or equivalent in Latin.  The College may consider A Level or equivalent Greek, but would decide whether the applicant should take the three year route or the four year route on a case-by-case basis. There are no subject requirements for the four-year course. Please note that we would ask you to submit two pieces of recent written work, in essay format, (preferably marked) with your application.  Please contact the Admissions Office for a cover sheet.

Admissions Assessment

All applicants will be asked to sit an assessment if they are invited to interview.  The assessment will last no longer than an hour.  Information about the assessment for Classics including specimen papers and a specification can be found on the University Classics webpage under ‘Entry Requirements’. Applicants will be registered for the assessment by us if you are invited to interview; candidates do not need to register themselves.